Revenge porn Leeds man who posted sexual images of woman on Facebook is jailed at Leeds Crown Court

A carpet fitter from Armley who posted sexual photographs of a woman on his Facebook page and harrassed her and his ex-partner  has been jailed.
Daniel ShawDaniel Shaw
Daniel Shaw

A Leeds Crown Court judge said 40-year-old Daniel Shaw had behaved in a "bullying and cowardly" way after hearing he sent one of the images to the woman's father.

Shaw, of Athlone Terrace, Armley, Leeds, was jailed for 16 weeks in March this year after breaching a restraining order by going to live with his former partner.

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Shaw was made the subject of the restraining order in October 2016 when he was convicted of harassment and sending his former partner a communication of an offensive nature.

He served an eight-week prison sentence in the same year for breaching the order.

He was convicted of breaching the order in 2017 and 2018 and was jailed for eight weeks in 2019 after another breach.

Joseph Bell, prosecuting said Shaw breached the order again in August this year when he sent the woman abusive and threatening messages on WhatsApp and went to her home.

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Mr Bell said Shaw posted two sexual photographs of another woman on his Facebook page and sent one to her father.

Shaw admitted disclosing private sexual photographs and films with intent to cause distress.

He also admitted two charges of harassment - one in connection with each woman and breaching the 2016 restraining order.

Shaw has eight previous convictions for 11 offences.

Jade Edwards, mitigating, said Shaw has worked as a carpet fitter for 20 year and often works 12-hour days, seven days a week.

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Miss Edwards said Shaw's father, who taught him how to be a carpet fitter, had died aged 60.

The court heard not long after his father's death Shaw was diagnosed with HIV.

Miss Edwards said: "That condition means that he has a weakened immune system.

"In this current pandemic he is far more vulnerable than others. Covid could be life threatening to him with the condition he has."

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